Grooming is a process by which an adult person seeks to befriend an adolescent or child under the age of 16, on the Internet, to “prepare” the child/adolescent with a view to having sexual relations with him or her. This applies to explicit, implicit and even veiled sexual propositions whether followed by an encounter between the adult and the child or not.
This practice, currently mushrooming in Europe where most children have permanent and unsupervised access to the Internet, exposes children in a very direct way to the dangers posed by paedophiles and individuals seeking to exploit children commercially and sexually. Statistics from several European countries show that 8 out of 10 girls aged 10 to 15 have already received sexual propositions at least once on the Internet from someone within their circle of friends/family or from a stranger. You can report cases of grooming via this website or contact people actively working on this issue for appropriate advice.

Child sexual abuse material
Producing, selling, distributing, possessing or buying pornographic content featuring children is a serious offence. Children appearing in child sexual abuse material, whether online or in print, photos or videos, are deemed to be victims of sexual abuse and each time a different individual views the material the child is re-victimised. Nowadays, enormous quantities of this illegal content are circulating online and may occasionally be found on sites that are not illegal. Your reports could be of great assistance to organisations and law enforcement agencies working to eliminate this content. Interpol has estimated that 750,000 sexual predators are online at any moment of the day.
The term “sexting” is a combination of the English words “sex” and “texting” (the sending of text messages via SMS). It refers to the exchange of intimate messages or photos by means of mobile phones, webcams and social networks. The greatest danger of sexting is that these photos, supposedly a private token of confidence, could be circulated on the web!
For more information on sexting:

Child sexual abuse material
Advice for witnesses of child sexual abuse or exploitation
If you are aware that a child is being, or has been, sexually abused, you must report it.
Don’t leave a child in an abusive situation, whether you are a relative, teacher, educator, doctor, or just a responsible citizen. The protection and well-being of children concerns us all.
- If you are aware of a child being sexually abused here in Luxembourg, you must report it to the Police on the following number: 12321
- If you have witnessed a situation of sexual exploitation of a child in the context of travel and tourism while traveling abroad, you can report it here.
- If you are aware of any cases of grooming you can report it online here.
Advice for young victims of sexual abuse or exploitation
If you are a victim of sexual exploitation or abuse, you can contact specialised protection services in Luxembourg for help and someone to talk to. Don’t keep it to yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are people who will listen to you!
You may also choose to call:
- THE KANNERJUGENDTELEFON – TEL: 116 111open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5-10pm | Tuesday and Thursday 2-10pm and Saturday 2-8pm,
- ALUPSE – TEL: 26 18 48 1open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm or
- SOS DISTRESS – TEL: 45 45 45 open every day from 3pm to 11pm | Friday and Saturday from 11pm to 7am, where you will be able to talk with someone who can help you and provide further advice.
In the useful addresses tab you will find telephone numbers or websites for all the services able to help you.
Grand-Ducal Police,
Youth Protection Section
Tel: 12321
The BEE SECURE Stopline aims to provide an anonymous framework for reporting illegal content found on the Internet and to handle these reports in collaboration with the competent national and international authorities.
The BEE SECURE Helpline provides children, adolescents, parents and educators with personalised guidance and advice on everything to do with the use of new media.
Tel: 8002 1234
KannerJugendtelefon (KJT)
The KJT initiative is intended first and foremost for children and young people, offering them a receptive ear and unhindered, readily accessible help. You can call 116 111 or, write to us at Online Help or visit our website for more information:
The Ombudsman fir Kanner a Jugendlecher (OKaJu)
OKaJu is a neutral point of contact for promoting the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” in Luxembourg and ensuring it is respected. OKaJu can be contacted by any child or adolescent under the age of 18 whose rights have not been respected in some way. They can speak freely and express their opinion by phone or email.
National Office for Children (ONE)
The National Children’s Office (ONE) is a centralised service providing information on support and assistance available for children in need and their families. Children, adolescents, family members or professionals can go directly to ONE to seek help. In coordination with childcare providers, ONE offers specialised support to deal with the psycho-social distress of children, youth and their families.
Tel: 247-73 696
SCAS (Central Social Welfare Service) - The Victim Support Service
The victim support service of the SCAS is intended for victims (children, adolescents, adults) whose mental and/or physical integrity has been violated following a criminal offence (such as threats, domestic violence, sexual assaults, assault and battery, sexual abuse, obsessive harassment or “stalking”). The service is also directed at those who by virtue of their relationship with the victim(s) have had to share their suffering as well as for those who have witnessed criminal offences. The service offers these individuals psychological and psychotherapeutic counselling, informs them about their rights and can support them during the legal process.
Tel: 47 58 21-1
Femmes en Détresse
FED aims to provide women, their children, and girls with effective protection against violence by developing and managing hostels for women and girls in distress as well as information and consultation centres
Tel: 40 73 35
SOS Détresse
Anyone looking for a frank and confidential discussion can call SOS Détresse, whether to discuss questions they are asking themselves, problems, concerns, how they are feeling, their personal situation or relationships. Email support is also available around the clock.
Tel: 45 45 45
(3pm-11pm 7 days a week – Fri/Sat 11pm-07am)
The ALUPSE-DIALOGUE takes care of any situation in which children, adolescents and young adults up to the age of 21 find themselves a victim of physical violence, mental violence, sexual abuse, negligence or institutional abuse.
Tel: 26 18 48 1